Monday, June 13, 2011

Paint Chip Wall Art


While meandering through blogs and design sites a few weeks ago, I found a super-cool paint chip wall.  It got my wheels turning.

I started exploring ideas with paint chips and the potential is huge! I love the full wall and considered it for my office, but wasn't 100% sold, so instead I tackled a DIY Wall Art project inspired by Life, Crafts, & Whatever.  If you want to buy something similar it will cost you 300 smackers from Ballard Designs 
Now for my version...
The first step was to visit Lowes with a really large purse! Paint chip samples are FREE, but I still felt a little shady while I took oodles of paint chips.  I didn't take more than one of any color, so it was legit.  I'll shamelessly plug my awesome Paint-Chip-Taking-Purse from Thirty One Gifts
My two fav 31 consultants Mandy and Jen
Once I got home, I tossed all the samples on the floor to choose the colors that made the cut...
Next, I whipped out my little paper cutter and removed the paint names.  I picked these chips because they were rectangular and I new I could cut the names off and still have 3x3 squares. 

 I quickly texted Eric to stop at Lowes and get me a 27x15 piece of plywood.  Some women like their husbands to arrive home with flowers- I prefer plywood!
 I figured out what layout I wanted... I eventually did move the two yellows that were too close together.
 Spray adhesive is my nemesis, (I mange to get it everywhere and it's impossible to get off my fingers) but it was essential for this project.  The stickier the better!
 I worked one row at a time, so I didn't mess up my pattern. 
 Now, if you know me, you know I'm laid back and easygoing, but I kinda like things to be perfect when it comes to DIY projects.  I had to put my personal neuroses aside for this project and tell myself that it would look good in the end... see, that white crack showing would normally drive me nuts!
 Spray, place, replace, replace again, remind myself it's doesn't have to be perfect, repeat... over and over!
 Ta-Da! The finished layout all stuck down.
 Next, I had to seal my art and add lots of yummy texture.  Enter Mod Podge.  It goes on cloudy and white, but dries clear- don't panic!
I brushed it on evenly, but then went back and added texture by brushing vertically and horizontally.
I allowed two coats of mod modge to dry (about a 1/2 a day) and then it was time to stain.  I was NERVOUS about this part because I was liking the project and was afraid to ruin it!
There I am... I just used a paper towel and rubbed it all over...This is apparently my nervous face.
I covered the entire surface and then let it dry for about 15 minutes
Then came the fun part! I wiped off some of the stain and created a "vintagey" look.  After letting the stain dry for at least a few hours, I did one final coat of Mod Podge to seal it all together.
This wouldn't be a DIY by Monica without some mistakes... I should have painted the edges first, but I was too excited to start, so I waited until the end, which meant I had to tape the top.
When pulling off the tape... AAARRRGGGG!!! I was not a happy camper! Thankfully, I'm used to making mistakes, so I'm good at fixing them. 
The finished product now proudly hung in my freshly painted powder room (sorry the wall color is a little off, no natural light in the room)
 I love that I can see it in the mirror!

This project was simple and I love the end result.  Kenzie (9yrs) really liked it (and if you know Kenz, that's a big deal) so we're making a pink and grey one to match her bedroom. 

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