Monday, June 13, 2011

Mason Jar "Sippy Cups" Good Living Magazine


I have seen these cutie mason jars for quite awhile and I absolutely love the idea of drilling a hole in the flat lid and using them as sippy cups.  Love, Love, Love It!

But my ever frugal self does not see me storing these jars if that is their only purpose.  I have 3 gajillion things I could do with them so I decided to make a set of TEMPORARY ones.  So instead of drilling a hole, I just used paper inserts and removed the flat lid.  Interchangeable and festive too!
Here is what you need to make these:

8 oz Ball mason jars (12)
patriotic scrapbook paper 
(card stock would work best but paper is fine)
craft knife
pencil and scissors
Trace your lid onto the wrong side of scrapbook paper...
...and cut your circles out.
(I would make extra just in case or seal them in clear contact paper in case of drips)
Place the circle inside the screw-on lid with the printed side facing down.
Tighten the screw-on lid until the scrapbook paper becomes taut.
Do this with all 12.  
Don't they look fabulous?
With your craft knife, make a tiny  "X" in the center or side of your cup.  
I chose to do it on the side.
Don't make it too big or you could create a hole larger then your straw.
Pop in some festive straws and you have some pretty, patriotic party cups!

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